judul asli: Mystical Dimension of IslamSAS 2X5KDR:2x5.2WSS:2x5SUSKA:297.50STJ:2x5PKL:2x5.2IAB:2x5
Judul Asli: And Muhammad is his Messenger: The Veneration of the prophet in Islamic pietyBibl: hlm.341-369Indeks:hlm.367-373
Bibliografi hlm. 240-241
Bibliografi hlm. 94-99Indeks 100-137SHJ 929.4
Bibl. hlm. 205-206Ind. hlm. 207-214
Bibl.hlm.314-346 347-377
JA: Meine secle ist erinc from das weibliche im islamBibl.hlm.: 245-255Ind.hlm.: 247-269SHJ 2X6.152 2
Judul asli: Deciphering The Signs of God: A Phenomenological Approach to Islam
judul asli: Mystical Dimension of IslamSAS 2X5KDR:2x5.2WSS:2x5SUSKA:297.50STJ:2x5PKL:2x5.2IAB:2x5WTP 2X5.2MTR 2X5.2
SHJ 2X5.2 SCH p
judul asli: Mystical Dimension of Islam
WSS 2x7.12AMB 2X0MTR 2X8
SHJ 2X7.1SKY 2X5.2