Indeks hlm. 189-194
Indeks hlm. 119-122SHJ 2X7.42SAS 2X7.4CRB 2X7.42WSS 2X6.13SUSKA 297.14IAB 2X7.4
WSS:2X0.303 4IAB 2X7.1PLK 2X7.4
JA: Islamic methodology in historySHJ 2X4.03CRB 2X4.03KDR 2X0SUSKA 297.413
Judul Asli: The Philosophy of Mulla Shadra (Shadr al-din al-syirazi)Indeks
Judul Asli : Mayor themes of the Qur'anSHJ 2X1.46SUSKA 2X1.1MTR 2X1.5
indeks hlm. 163-167
Indeks hlm. 163-172
JA : Mayor themes of the Qur'anSHJ 2X1.46SUSKA 2X1.1WTP 2X1.MTR 2X1.5
Bibliografi hlm. 275-279indeks hlm. 281-285SHJ 2X0.01
Ind.hlm. 171-180SHJ 2X1.1
Judul ali: The Philoshophy of Mulla ShadraSUSKA 100
indeks hlm. 163-167CRB 2X7.1KDR 2X3.4PKL 2X7.423.34PLK 2X7.1WTP 2X7.11AMB 2X2.34MTR 2X3.4
Bibliografi hlm. 194-405Indeks hlm. 406-410CRB:2X0WSS:2X0AMB 2X0.01
Bibliografi hlm. 193-195Index hlm. 197-208SHJ 2X0.1dan2X0.01SKY 2X9.01SAS 2X4WSS 2x0CRB 2x9.84
SKY 2X0.01CRB:2X0.303.4KDR:2X7.4SUSKA:297.01IAB:2X7.4MTR 2X7.3
Judul asli: Islam Modernity,Transformation of an Intellectual
WTP 615.6
Judul asli: mayor themes of the Qur'an
Judul ali: The Philoshophy of Mulla ShadraSUSKA 100MTR 2X7.1
indeks hlm. 163-167
WSS:2X0.303 4IAB 2X7.1PLK 2X7.4WTP 2X7.42