Judul asli: Knowledge and the secredSKY 128WSS 121CRB 2X0.9WTP 100
Judul asli: Traditional Islam in the modern world
Indeks hlm. 219-232
Indeks hlm. 206-213
Ind.hlm.334-341SHJ Mc gill 200.1 nas k
Bibl. hlm. 176-178Indeks hlm. 193-198No. klas 297.01 lihat 2X0.1 NAS iSHJ 2X0WSS 2X0SUSKA 297.04
Judul asli: Muhammad man of AllahWSS 2X9.1STJ 2X9.1SUSKA 2X9.12IAB 2X9.11
Bibl. hlm. 93-100Ind. hlm. 101-104Judul Asli: Theology, philosophy and spiritualityCRB 2X7.1KDR 2X0SMRD 297.2WSS 2X3
Judul asli: Traditional Islam in the modern world
Bibl:183-190Ind:191-197Judul asli:world spiritiality:Manifestations
JA : Muhammad man of AllahWSS 2X9.1STJ 2X9.1SUSKA 2X9.12IAB 2X9.11
Judul asli: Knowledge and the secred
JA : Muhammad man of AllahWSS 2X9.1STJ 2X9.1SUSKA 2X9.12IAB 2X9.11
Judul asli:Muhammad Man of Allah
Judul asli:Islam; religion, history and civilization
CRB 2X0.301 24WSS 2X7.492IAB 2X0PLK 2X6.74
Ind. hlm. 191-204SHJ 2X5.1SAS 2X5
Judul asli: Science dan Civilization in IslamWSS 2X6.7SUSKA 297.99