Gaya APA

RIYANTO, S. (2008). A Quick and Effective Strategy To Understand Structure Written Ekpression Toefl Test: Kupas Tuntas Strategi Cepat Efektif Memahami Soal Structure Written Ekspression / Slamet Riyanto (Cet.Ke-1). : Pustaka Pelajar.

Gaya MLA

RIYANTO, Slamet. "A Quick and Effective Strategy To Understand Structure Written Ekpression Toefl Test: Kupas Tuntas Strategi Cepat Efektif Memahami Soal Structure Written Ekspression / Slamet Riyanto". Cet.Ke-1 : Pustaka Pelajar, 2008. Referensi.