Judul Asli: How the West Grew Rich.
Gloss. hlm. 275-279, Ind. hlm. 280-288
Catatan : bentuk kalimat
Judul aslu: Men at the top
Bibl. hlm. 327-330IAB 2X4.37
Bibl. hlm. 126-130IAB 305.4
JA : Le phenomine coranique, essai d'une theorie coran
JA : Fadlusy Syakirin
Ind. hlm. 158-159
Bibl.hlm.:304 JA: Dealing with difficult people, how you can come out on top in personality conflicts.
Lihat: A 297.21/IBN/b
Bk.1-2. c.1AMB 2X1.01